Collection: Markus Brenner

"Brenner's sympathy for caricatures leaves its mark on his artistic work, the irony and seriousness that combines criticism and comedy to create art" wrote Paolo Bianchi in 2016 about the artist Markus Brenner from Konstanz. Absurd and unreal: these are just some of the attributes attributed to his photographs of trout dressed in swimwear. The idea was born in 2002. Since then, viewers have been puzzling over whether it is a criticism of consumerism and the environment, or a pure play on owls. Once it was clear: His photo and video works are more complex than one might think at first glance, or to put it in the words of Markus Brenner: "Maybe you have to celebrate the surface with relish to learn about the depth?"

Markus Brenner was born in 1963 in Friedrichshafen and studied literature, art and media sciences. His works can be found in public space and in numerous large institutional and private collections. In his work he deals with various media and their expressive possibilities, including video installations, performances, lighting design, photography. He regularly takes part in urban planning competitions and creates multi-layered artistic and cross-media concepts. Long known in the Lake Constance region, his works have already conquered international spaces such as Switzerland, Spain and the Ukraine.

Markus Brenner

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Markus Brenner Galerie Lachenmann Art
Markus Brenner Galerie Lachenmann Art
Markus Brenner Galerie Lachenmann Art
Markus Brenner Galerie Lachenmann Art
Markus Brenner Galerie Lachenmann Art
Markus Brenner Galerie Lachenmann Art