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Aktuelle Austellung ›beyond the line‹
›beyond the line‹
Save the date: Artist Talk mit Christiane Pieper
Donnerstag, 13. März 2025 - 19Uhr -
Talk ›Die Kunst des Konfliktes‹
Das Gespräch ansehenSonntag, 10.11.24 um 11 Uhr
Juliane Lachenmann M.A. war im Gespräch mit Nadine Greck, Mediatorin M.M.
Nadine Greck ist nicht nur eine erfolgreiche sowie gefragte Trainerin, Autorin und Speaker, sondern auch Mediatorin für Wirtschaft & Familie, Lean Manager, Coach, BVMW-zertifizierte Unternehmensberaterin sowie Vorstandsvorsitzende der Deutschen Stiftung Mediation. -
Save the date!
Hier eintragen10 years of Lachenmann Art
Celebrate our birthday with us: The anniversary exhibition will open on:Friday, October 18, 2024 at 7 p.m.
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Opening hours Lachenmann Art | Konstanz
Wednesday 11am-5pm
Thursday 11am-5pm
Friday 11am-5pm
Saturday 1pm-5pm
Represented Artists
Patrick Cierpka
You might get the impression that Patrick Cierpka's works look like the...
Lilli Elsner
Born in 1993, Lilli Elsner works with a range of different materials...
Florian Lechner
Florian Lechner's works are like cuts into reality. They reveal the interaction...
Jirka stake
Jirka Pfahl was born in Wurzen in 1976 and studied media art...
Jukka Rusanen
The Finnish artist Jukka Rusanen (*1980) enthuses with his refreshing view of...
Stephanie Scheurell
Stefanie Scheurell's works contradict a socially imposed and anchored ideal image of...
Sandra Schlipkoeter
Sandra Schlipkoeter bases her works on a physical phenomenon that she isolates...
Veit von Seckendorff
In the paintings on canvas by artist Veit von Seckendorff,...
Peter Vink
Born in 1974 in Bilt (The Netherlands), Peter Vink graduated from the...
We would like to thank you very much for the kind support of some of our projects

Photo Credits Slider: Jörg Rudolph (Installation view ›Constantia‹ ), Lachenmann Art (Installation view › Grand Salon ‹), Biliana Peneva (vernissage ›RE-DISCOVER‹ ), Eric Tschernow (Installation view ›Intimate‹), Daniel Beyer (Installation view ›Figures & Forms‹) and Jörg Rudolph (Installation view ›Niemand hat die Bruecken je gesehen‹ ). Courtesy of Lachenmann Art.