Lachenmann Art Magazin

Robert Ritter Galerie Lachenmann Art

Behind the Scenes - Meet Robert Ritter

Lachenmann Art

Welches wäre der ideale Ort für eines Deiner Kunstwerke?Da meine Arbeiten oft ein wenig schroff daherkommen, stelle ich sehr gerne in einem „White Cube“ aus. Der Kontrast zwischen Werk und...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Robert Ritter

Lachenmann Art

Welches wäre der ideale Ort für eines Deiner Kunstwerke?Da meine Arbeiten oft ein wenig schroff daherkommen, stelle ich sehr gerne in einem „White Cube“ aus. Der Kontrast zwischen Werk und...

My favourite - Art spotted ›SSS (SCHEISSSTRICHERSTREIFEN NR 05)‹ by Marc Jung

My favourite - Art spotted ›SSS (SCHEISSSTRICHE...

Lachenmann Art

In the series ›My favourite - Art spotted‹, Moritz from our gallery in Konstanz presents his favourite work today: I have already had the opportunity to sell Marc Jung's works...

My favourite - Art spotted ›SSS (SCHEISSSTRICHE...

Lachenmann Art

In the series ›My favourite - Art spotted‹, Moritz from our gallery in Konstanz presents his favourite work today: I have already had the opportunity to sell Marc Jung's works...

Galerie Lachenmann Art, Jirka Pfahl, Hommage an Marcel Duchamp, Kunst am Bodensee in Konstanz, in Deutschland und in der Schweiz. Professionelle Beratung.

Gallery News - 3 reasons to visit a gallery in ...

Juliane Lachenmann

We offer our interested visitors individual advice, cool refreshment and wonderful works of art even in summer.

Gallery News - 3 reasons to visit a gallery in ...

Juliane Lachenmann

We offer our interested visitors individual advice, cool refreshment and wonderful works of art even in summer.

Dieser Artikel erläutert den Begriff der Malerei. Zeitgenössische Kunst erwerben Sie in schönem Ambiente in der Galerie Lachenmann Art mit einer Niederlassung in Konstanz am Bodensee und Büros in Frankfurt am Main und in Bern in der Schweiz.

Artforms - Painting

Lachenmann Art

Painting is one of the classical genres of visual arts together with architecture, and sculpture and, as as Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574, now universally considered the father of Art History and...

Artforms - Painting

Lachenmann Art

Painting is one of the classical genres of visual arts together with architecture, and sculpture and, as as Giorgio Vasari (1511-1574, now universally considered the father of Art History and...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Veit von Seckendorff

Behind the Scenes - Meet Veit von Seckendorff

Lachenmann Art

Where and how do you find your inspiration? Through nature observation and partly my analogue macro photography. What does light mean to you? No life without light. What is your...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Veit von Seckendorff

Lachenmann Art

Where and how do you find your inspiration? Through nature observation and partly my analogue macro photography. What does light mean to you? No life without light. What is your...

Kunstformen: Fotografie

Artforms - Photography

Juliane Lachenmann

The word photography comes from the Greek works φωτός photós 'light' and γράφειν graphein 'to write/to draw’, that is “to draw with light”. The term was first used in a German newspaper already in...

Artforms - Photography

Juliane Lachenmann

The word photography comes from the Greek works φωτός photós 'light' and γράφειν graphein 'to write/to draw’, that is “to draw with light”. The term was first used in a German newspaper already in...