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›HAISOCIETY‹ 01/07/2022—16/09/2022

›HAISOCIETY‹ 01/07/2022—16/09/2022

    Frankfurt 01/07/2022—16/09/2022

    With ›HAISOCIETY‹, the Erfurt artist once again shows his intensely colorful palette and impressive motifs. The attributes of high society repeatedly find their way into the imagery, while behind the titles and in the details of the paintings, socially critical, sometimes biting comments are hidden.

    The hot summer is refreshed by the bright color intensity and humorous social criticism of his canvas works. With spray cans and acrylic paint, Marc Jung breaks traditional ideas about painting and confronts the gray of monotonous cities. The Erfurt artist, who studied at the Bauhaus University in Weimar, breaks up every urban concrete wasteland with his shrill color palette. As a child of East German social prefab housing, he began to brighten his world with art in his youth. From a rebellious graffiti sprayer, he developed into an internationally sought-after and renowned artist.

    The subversive energy of his working method remains a crucial part of his painting technique and is evident in the motifs. The English-German play on words in the exhibition title is repeated in many of his work titles and is characteristic of Jung's biting humor. Anyone who wants to hold their own in the shark tank of high society must be strong and well armed. The work that gives the work its title shows a muscle-bound shark that shows off luxury labels and smiles at the viewer with sharp teeth. With many details and the energetic figures, Marc Jung inspires us to think in an incredibly lively way. Each figure has an ironic saying on its lips, boasts about status symbols and at the same time reveals the illusion of "high society."

    Installation views: Credits Eric Tschernow

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