Collection: Robert Ritter

Robert Ritter is a champion of materiality and uses paint almost as a high relief: different layers of colours are stacked one above another and the last of these layers acts as a canvas for the depicted subject. The subject of his works is not only the one depicted and that come from the tattoo culture, the traditional maritime art or the portraiture but also the paint itself with his texture. The canvas is either used almost as a pedestal and a support from which the paint emerges, or is reduced to a net so fragile that is at the breaking point. 
Robert Ritter

Available works


Robert Ritter Galerie Lachenmann Art
Robert Ritter Galerie Lachenmann Art
Robert Ritter Galerie Lachenmann Art
  • Behind the Scenes - Meet Robert Ritter

    Welches wäre der ideale Ort für eines Deiner Kunstwerke?Da meine Arbeiten oft ein wenig schroff daherkommen, stelle ich sehr gerne in einem „White Cube“ aus. Der Kontrast zwischen Werk und Raum bringt natürlich die Kunst in besonderem Maße zur Geltung. Das ist einfach.

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  • My favourite - Art spotted ›Farbstück II‹ by Robert Ritter

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