Lachenmann Art Magazin

Girmachew Getnet

Behind the Scenes - Meet Girmachew Getnet

Lachenmann Art

Take a look behind the scenes and get to know Girmachew Getnet! Where do you come from and how does your origins influence your artistic work? I come from Ethiopia...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Girmachew Getnet

Lachenmann Art

Take a look behind the scenes and get to know Girmachew Getnet! Where do you come from and how does your origins influence your artistic work? I come from Ethiopia...

Valentina Murabito Galerie Lachenmann Art

Behind the Scenes - Meet Valentina Murabito

Lachenmann Art

Get to know the Italian artist Valentina Murabito with our latest interview in the series "Behind the Scenes". How has your style changed over time? My style has changed quite a...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Valentina Murabito

Lachenmann Art

Get to know the Italian artist Valentina Murabito with our latest interview in the series "Behind the Scenes". How has your style changed over time? My style has changed quite a...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Yvonne Andreini

Behind the Scenes - Meet Yvonne Andreini

Lachenmann Art

Gain insights into the world of the Italian-born artist Yvonne Andreini with the answers to our interview series "Behind the Scenes"! What motivates you to create? To be able to make...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Yvonne Andreini

Lachenmann Art

Gain insights into the world of the Italian-born artist Yvonne Andreini with the answers to our interview series "Behind the Scenes"! What motivates you to create? To be able to make...

Nick Ervinck |  Galerie Lachenmann Art

Behind the Scenes - Meet Nick Ervinck

Lachenmann Art

Get to know the Belgian artist Nick Ervinck better and read the interesting interview on "Behind the Scenes"!   Where are you from and how does that affect your work? I...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Nick Ervinck

Lachenmann Art

Get to know the Belgian artist Nick Ervinck better and read the interesting interview on "Behind the Scenes"!   Where are you from and how does that affect your work? I...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Peter Vink

Behind the Scenes - Meet Peter Vink

Lachenmann Art

Uncover with us the exciting answers from Peter Vink to our "Behind the Scenes" questions! Which art trends inspire your current work? I don’t think I get my inspiration from “art trends”....

Behind the Scenes - Meet Peter Vink

Lachenmann Art

Uncover with us the exciting answers from Peter Vink to our "Behind the Scenes" questions! Which art trends inspire your current work? I don’t think I get my inspiration from “art trends”....

Patrick Cierpka

Behind the Scenes - Meet Patrick Cierpka

Lachenmann Art

What does light mean to you?Among other things, light is a source of inspiration for my work.Is the light on or off when you sleep?Off!Where do you get your inspiration?Over...

Behind the Scenes - Meet Patrick Cierpka

Lachenmann Art

What does light mean to you?Among other things, light is a source of inspiration for my work.Is the light on or off when you sleep?Off!Where do you get your inspiration?Over...